Friday, March 11, 2011



     The movie studio ASYLUM is run by an ingenious lot, of what one would believe to be a cudgel of Pot Smokers. Their belief? If there is a large blockbuster film about to be released, we can make a bare-bones film, with roughly the same plot, similar title, and make the same kind of money, because someone is bound to grab our films, convinced it is something else. The best thing that can be said about them is that they succeed in their ruse often. By comparison, the studio makes the team behind "Vampire's Suck", "Disaster Movie", and "Meet the Spartans" look like comedic geniuses. At least they for the most part, cause me less pain on a consistent basis.
    There isn't much more that can be said about one of their more recent efforts, without engaging my memory gag reflex. On paper it sounds daring, and interesting enough. Sherlock Holmes must solve a seemingly unexplainable wave of events overtaking London, which may or may not involve giant sea creatures, dinosaurs and more. His very own brother may be somehow involved, but it's not the one you think.
     The most misleading aspect of the proceedings is the inclusion of "Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's", before the title of the film. One would assume that this meant it was actually based on one of the authors many literary adventures of the master detective and the invaluable doctor, but we all know the saying about what happens when one assumes.
      If you have seen one Asylum feature, you have seen it all. Something barely resembling a plot/script, sub-par effects that are below even the dreaded term, "Syfy Channel Exclusive",  actors dropping from "D" to "Z" grade features. It's a lackadaisical paycheck for everyone involved. The main loser being the people who sit down to watch the feature. You would hope at some point, there would be a changing of the guard, and an attempt to make a worthwhile feature would spring forth. The law of averages dictates that at somehow, someway, it may eventually happen. As for now, everyone, still has to wait.
* out of *****

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